Van Nuys, CA, March 14, 2004: This week has marked turmoil in our quest for
liberty and freedom for all. And we feel it is only fitting to
lay a succulent bone at the feet of Mayor Gavin Newsom, the
San Francisco politician who ignited
the national movement to allow same sex marriage.
Little did he know
when he okayed gay weddings that so many mayors would follow in his
hoof prints. But now that the California Supreme Court has put
the lid on issuing further licenses to gay couples, it's time to
look at some of the unexpected consequences of Newsom's bold
What is weird to us
is that some gay dogs -- and cats -- have been objecting to the
legalization of same sex unions. "What if this doesn't work?"
asks Horace Felder of the Castro District in San Francisco. "Then
all the recent NIPtuals will be annulled. Our forward momentum
will be crushed, and we will lose all the gains we have made."
We beg to differ.
It is the opinion of this column that Newsom is a hero. He has
brought the need to legitimize same sex NIPtuals into the open. The
country will never by the same. We salute him for his courage,
and urge you all to do the same. You can make your meow, hiss
or bark heard by writing in your opinion in our
to the Editor Bark Your Letter Here link.
Be sure to put "Newsom"
in the subject line!
Forward, trot!

Approved by the
FUPPPS Editorial Board